In the Offer App there’s an area called Tracking. This area keeps tabs on three main numbers of people who interact with your deals and coupons: Impressions, Views, and Leads. If you’re wondering what the difference is between these three categories, here’s a quick explanation:

- Impressions – this number counts each time someone looks at a page the Offer is featured on. Whether it’s your Wire page or on its own landing page, every time a connection sees the Offer on any page it will be counted.
- Views – this is when someone clicks on a link to a deal or coupon’s own landing page on RenMind Wire. Every time that specific landing page is viewed, then the ‘Views’ number will increase.
- Leads – this counts the number of people who filled out the form on a deal or coupon’s landing page form completely. If they have filled out all of the required information on the form and received the Offer, then this connection will be counted as a ‘Lead’.
- Conversion % - the number that’s shown as your Offer Conversion % is how many leads you had out of the number of people who viewed your coupon or deal’s landing page. If you had 100 Views and 10 Leads your Conversion % would be 10%.
The Tracking Area of Offer lets you see which deals and coupons are getting the biggest response. Get the most out of the Offer App and make new connections.