518 N 40th St
Omaha, NE 68131
(402) 516-2899
How do you communicate your key messages? Websites are too passive, email marketing is painful, social media strategies are time intensive and pay per click ads cost a fortune.  When you become a Wire Member of  the RenMind Network you’ll be able to focus on designing your messages, engagement strategies and selling processes — our software will help you do the rest.
RenMind Wire is a communication tool designed for local businesses.  Wire does everything you need to capture new connections and communicate with them more persuasively.  Think of Wire as the power tools behind your message.

Fire up your Communication Engine

Our communication software was designed to help you produce and distribute engaging, interactive, and personalized messages across your growing network of contacts. Will you join us?
  • Publish messages to share across your social media networks
  • Acquire new connections (contacts) through common lead capture devices like coupons, contests and landing pages
  • Solicit past customers to provide you with fresh reviews to automatically build confidence from new prospects
  • Send out email messages to promote posts, provide special messages
  • Collect direct feedback from mass email messages
  • Analyze statistics to identify opportunities
A Powerful Tool for Communication

Contact Lead Capture Publish
Reviews Stats Invoice

518 N 40th St
Omaha, NE 68131
(402) 516-2899