Hi, thanks for signing up for the second lesson series about the Contact Area of your Channel account. We're going to start off with an intro on adding contacts, then walkthroughs on how to use the different upload options. The following lessons will have deeper explanations of these options with text and video tutorials. For right now we're going to have an introduction on uploading contacts.
This is the second lesson in our series about the Contacts area. We're going to talk about the importance of using Fields to make managing contacts a whole lot easier. You can also watch the video to get a good idea of how they're used and how to create them. You will also learn how to set one up, and how they relate to uploading new contacts.
The Contacts Area is where you manage all of the connections you’ve made....
Hi, this is the third lesson in our Contacts Area series. We're going to keep moving on learning how to use the different contact upload options. Your Channel account gives you three different options in uploading your new connections. If you receive more information about customers, clients, and contacts you can add their information to your Contact area. The Easy Form is one of these options and the above video...
This is the fourth lesson in our Contacts Area Series. We've looked at Fields, using the Easy Form, and now we're going to see another way to upload contacts into Channel.
If you want to upload many contacts at once, getting to know the File Upload option will help you import a batch, or multiple contacts, all at the same time. You can do this by using a Comma Separated Value (.CSV) spreadsheet. Anyone can do this...
There are 3 simple ways to import contacts into your RenMind Wire Contacts area. These options give you the chance to upload one contact at a time and even many by using a spreadsheet import. To see these 3 options, navigate to the Contacts area of RenMind Wire:
Easy Form lets you input a contact one by one by entering each Field, like First Name, Address and Email
Your Wire account gives you three different options in uploading your new connections. If you receive more information about customers, clients, and contacts you can add their information to your Contact area. The Easy Form is one of these options. The video will step you through how to use the Easy Form option.
The Easy Form lets you input a contact one by one by entering each Field, like First Name, Address and...
Your Wire account gives you three different options in uploading your new connections. If you receive more information about customers, clients, and contacts you can add their information to your Contact area. Cut and Paste is one of these options.
The Cut and Paste version is a good solution if you need to upload a few contacts at once, or if you have a comma separated text file. This is a somewhat advanced way to...
Your Wire account gives you three different options in uploading your new connections. If you receive more information about customers, clients, and contacts you can add their information to your Contact area. The File Upload option is one of these ways.
The File Upload Option
The most powerful option is the File Upload. This lets you take a “batch”, or multiple contacts, and upload them all at once. There are a few...
If you want to upload many contacts at once, getting to know the File Upload option will help you import a batch, or multiple contacts, all at the same time. You can do this by using a Comma Separated Value (.CSV) spreadsheet. Anyone can do this with access to any spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.
The video will guide you through your first File Upload import. There are a few things you should know about...