518 N 40th St
Omaha, NE 68131
(402) 516-2899

There are 3 simple ways to import contacts into your RenMind Wire Contacts area. These options give you the chance to upload one contact at a time and even many by using a spreadsheet import. To see these 3 options, navigate to the Contacts area of RenMind Wire:

  1. Easy Form lets you input a contact one by one by entering each Field, like First Name, Address and Email
  2. Cut and Paste is a good way to upload a few contacts at a time. You have two options:
    • Copy and Paste a Text Document with each field entry separated by a comma
    • Type In Fields For Each Contact by keeping each field in the same order for every contact and separating them by commas
  3. File Upload is the most powerful option by letting you upload a comma separated value (.csv) document with many contacts all at once.


Option 1) Easy Form

This is a quick way to enter a new contact one at a time. You can enter in any information you have for a connection by using the Fields you preset in your Wire account. 

Here’s how you’ll use it:

First, click the Easy Form button from the Contacts Area. When you’re in there, you’ll see all of the Fields you’ve set. You can enter in an entry for every piece of information you have for that contact. Remember, this is for uploading one contact at a time. Also, check the “Optional Opt-in Override” button if you have permission from that contact to send your bulk email information to them (email newsletters).


Option 2) Cut and Paste

The Cut and Paste version is a good solution if you need to upload a few contacts at once, or if you have a comma separated text file. This is a somewhat advanced way to upload new connections. To use this option, you’ll have to make sure that each field for every contact is entered in the same order. Let’s say you separated each first name and last name with a comma. If you forget to separate just one first name and last name, that contact’s information will not import the same way as all of your other contacts. It’s important to keep each field in order with this option.


Option 3) File Upload

The most powerful option is the File Upload option. This lets you take a “batch”, or multiple contacts, and upload them all at once. There are a few things to know to make this process go smooth.

Here are some things you’ll need to know before using the File Upload option:

  1. You must use a .csv file to upload your data. A .csv, or comma separated value document is a file extension given to a spreadsheet program (like Excel for instance) instead of an .xls or .xlsx.
  2. You can save an existing file in your spreadsheet program with an .xls, .xlsx or .odt as a .csv when you go to save the document.
  3. You’ll need to have a list with a proper header row and consistent data in each column. This is to make sure your information will be pulled into Wire correctly.


Notes about Upload Options Before an Import

Before you choose to “Upload” your new connections, you’ll see the two below options. The first is “Optional Opt-In Override” and the second is “Add only if email address is not already in all contacts.” Both of these options are important to having a successful upload. Here’s more information on both of these:   

  1. The first is the “Optional Opt-In Override”, which gives you the ability to send bulk email communication to that contact. You must have permission from the contact to use this option. If you do not check this box, the contact(s) you are uploading will not receive email communication until you later manually subscribe them. The CAN-SPAM Act only limits mass email communication. You can still send a connection a Single Email even if you do not have permission to include a contact in a bulk email send.
  2. The second box is “Add only if email address is not already in all contacts”. This is especially important for the File Upload option and it omits any duplicate email addresses from being imported into your contacts.


Some Added Notes

Any time someone signs up through one of your promotions through Review, Offer, Giveaway or a contact form they will automatically be pulled into your Contacts Area. It works much like any of these upload methods. When you’re given permission to send a contact bulk email you can see that on the far right where it says if they are Subscribed or Unsubscribed. 

But any of the contacts you have in the Contacts area can still be sent a Single Email (envelope icon on the right), and you can also keep updating their information in their notes. For more on these take a look at the Contacts Area Knowledge Base article. Every contact is extremely valuable and any time you have the ability to communicate is an opportunity to open a new line of communication with a potential customer.

Related Content

More information on the Easy Form Option

More information on the Cut and Paste Option

More information on the File Upload Option

More information on CSVs

Information on the CAN-SPAM ACT


518 N 40th St
Omaha, NE 68131
(402) 516-2899